Gay Culture Watch
Independent Gay Forum -- Various LBGT Writers
Ex-Gay Watch
Pink News from UK

Gay History of the World in Eight Volumes here
G-Max's Thinking Gay Person's Website located here
Produced to show you howfarm animals are treated in the USA. It will scare you and dismay you to see how the animals are abused. This movie is not about gay rights, but rather, about animal rights.

If you are enjoying this one-stop site for gay news from around the world, would you please consider making a small donation -- whatever you can afford -- to help keep the service going? You may use the PayPal box here to make your credit card donation. Thank you! But ... continue reading in any event!
and Events began in 1972, now 35 years ago. Mr. Townson was an
early gay rights activist and chairperson of Gay Pride Week, 1975 in
Chicago. Gay News and Events began as a daily three minute
recorded telephone message of interest to gay men and women about events to GLBT people in the Chicago area. It transferred entirely to internet in 2005.
Following a brain aneurysm (stroke) in November, 1999 he is now
partially paralyzed. He appreciates hearing from old friends. Send email to Patrick Townson
Anonymous Wisdom: The best way to knock the chip off your neighbor's
shoulder is to pat him on the back.
If you are enjoying this one-stop site for gay news from around the world, would you please consider making a small donation -- whatever you can afford -- to help keep the service going? You may use the PayPal box here to make your credit card donation. Thank you! But ... continue reading in any event!
and Events began in 1972, now 35 years ago. Mr. Townson was an
early gay rights activist and chairperson of Gay Pride Week, 1975 in
Chicago. Gay News and Events began as a daily three minute
recorded telephone message of interest to gay men and women about events to GLBT people in the Chicago area. It transferred entirely to internet in 2005.
Following a brain aneurysm (stroke) in November, 1999 he is now
partially paralyzed. He appreciates hearing from old friends. Send email to Patrick Townson
Anonymous Wisdom: The best way to knock the chip off your neighbor's
shoulder is to pat him on the back.
Chicago Pride News

Gay Wired Reports
IPD Professionals Group

Read Other GLBT Newspapers

(2)     New York City's Gay Newspaper
(3)       The
Advocate News Magazine
(4)   The National Gay News (A new publication!)
(5) OUTSports News Report For sports minded folks!
(6) The Gay/Lesbian News Section of SF Gate
Anonymous Wisdom: The best way to knock the chip off your neighbor's
shoulder is to pat him on the back.
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issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I
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as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish
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And Other Gay Blogs From the Internet(*** indicates new
blog entry today)
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